Types of roofing materials
There are many types of roofing materials to choose from, and a little bit of investigation might lead you to consider a new type of roofing rather than simply replacing with the same material you now have. Choosing the right roofing material requires that you weigh appearance, longevity, cost, and structural issues.
Click below to learn about different the different types of roofing:
Asphalt Shingle Roofing
Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing materials in America because they are effective in all environmental conditions. Asphalt is very fire retardant, which makes them a great choice for roofing material. Currently, asphalt shingles are made from either fiberglass or another material and then covered in asphalt. Upfront costs for shingles are low. Most asphalt shingles have a lifespan of around 20 years, and in some cases, they can last as much as 30-40 years with proper care and maintenance.
The popularity of shingles is due largely to the fact that they are so durable and are the most inexpensive of all roofing options. Other benefits include the ability to get them in a wide range of colors as well as the fact that they hold up well to extreme temperatures. Asphalt shingles also provide reliable waterproofing and are fairly easy to install for a quick upgrade project.

Tile Roofing
Clay and concrete roof tiles can withstand damage from tornadoes, hurricanes or winds up to 125 miles per hour and even earthquakes, according to “A Summary of Experimental Studies on Seismic Performance of Concrete and Clay Roofing Tiles” by the University of Southern California for the Tile Roofing Institute.
Roofing tiles give your home a cozy and comforting look and feel. It is also fireproof, weather resistant, and durable with a 50-75 year lifespan. That’s because ceramic roofs can’t be damaged by the heat or by the cold. Also, ceramic roofs are easy to maintain. They may require extra support to bear their weight, and they are likely to break when walked on. They are also impervious to damage from either rot or insects, which makes them a great choice.

Torch Down Roofing
Flat roofs are typically less expensive when it comes to installation and many homeowners like the added safety of a flat roofing surface. They are usually easy to access and in some settings, they do have a certain aesthetic appeal. Torch down roofs are the most common type of roofing system used in commercial properties today, but they are not as common in the residential setting. This is largely due to the fact that they can require a good bit of maintenance, especially if you live in an area that gets a lot of rain, snow, or high-temperature ranges. Flat roofs have a slight slope to allow for water drainage. It is important to make sure the roof stays clear of leaves, limbs, and debris so that water and snow do not get trapped and accumulate on the roof. This type of roofing material has a lifespan of only about 15 years and then it will need to be replaced.

Thermoplastic Polyolefin Roofing (TPO)
Thermoplastic Polyolefin is a single-ply roofing membrane that is one of the fastest growing commercial roofing systems on the market. TPO roofing systems are made up of a single layer of synthetics and reinforcing scrim that can be used to cover flat roofs. TPO membranes are manufactured in sheets that are 10, 12 or 20 feet wide. These sheets are then rolled up and taken to the commercial facility. TPO has gained industry acceptance with the natural reflective surface to reflect UV rays. TPO roofs can last anywhere between 15 to 30 years.

Polyvinyl Chloride Roof (PVC)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) single-ply roofing membranes are among the most popular commercial roofing products available today. They’re remarkably durable and highly resistant to some of the toughest flat-roof aggressors like fire, chemicals, and hurricane-level winds. PVC roofs come with a higher upfront installation cost, but their energy efficiency and fire retardancy make them highly cost-effective. This flat roofing system can endure up to 22-30 years, or more.

Metal Roofing
Metal roofs have been around for many years and have long been used in a commercial and industrial setting. However, this material is becoming increasingly viable as a roofing option for homeowners. Metal roofing systems are low maintenance, lightweight, very versatile in style and design, and are one of the most environmentally friendly roofing materials available. They can be made in any color needed and can also be designed in a multitude of styles including shingles, panels, sheets, and even tiles. Metal roofing may cost a bit more initially to install, but it lasts a long time (anywhere from 50-60 years), resists wear and tear from weather, and can greatly increase the value and appeal of your home in the long run. However, installation can be tricky when large panels and sheets are used, and not every roofing contractor has experience with metal roofing system installations. Fortunately, we here at Ikon Roofing do and we can help you with your new roof installation.

Slate Roofing
Slate roofing lasts more than 100 years. It won’t burn, is waterproof and resists mold and fungus. Slate is effective in wet climates but is expensive, heavy and may be easily broken when stepped on. Keep this in mind if you live in an area that experiences hail.

Rubber Slate Roofing
Rubber slate looks natural and can be cut with a knife to fit intricate roofs like those found on Victorian homes. Rubber slate roofs can last 100 years but can be damaged by satellite dishes and walking – so may also be susceptible to damage by hail, similar to slate.

Solar Tile Roofing
Advanced solar collectors integrate seamlessly into existing shingles, generating up to 1 kilowatt of energy per 100 square feet. They’re particularly good for sunny roofs. While they may help offset energy costs with solar power, they also cost more than traditional solar options.

The best type of roof for you depends on your climate, budget and house. To see what’s best in your area, talk with our licensed roofing contractors and look at some of the newer developments nearby to get ideas on what type of roofing material to use.
Regardless of what type of roof you go with, there is always a chance it can be damaged. So you want to make sure you have the right roofing team on your side. If you have questions about which roofing material is right for you and your roof, give us a call! Our team of roofing experts can help you make the right decision and can help you get your roofing system installed quickly and easily. Call today and ask us about our warranty and promotions and get the new roof of your dreams with the roofing materials that are right for your home.
Find out how Ikon Roofing has built a reputation of trust, reliability and affordability. Ikon serves to protect your most important investment!